
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far...

Hello All-

For Hannah's birthday, my parents bought her a kit to make accessories with a loom and nylon loops.  I knew Hannah had showed interest in crafting before, but I wasn't sure if she had the patience to sit and do a longer project.

So, this summer, with my husband in Edmonton and Hannah and I in Calgary, we decided to do a project together.  After looking through the options in the instruction book, Hannah decided to make a purse with her looped squares.

In all honesty, I didn't have to help her as much as I anticipated.  She did much of the work and wanted to learn every step, even if I needed to help her.  She was so excited with her finished product, and so was I!!

We'll see what her next project is going to be.  I'm thinking she might enjoy some sticky mosaics or something like that.

Happy Crafting!

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