
I'd Like to Thank the Academy!!!

So, I know this is a craft blog, but I had someone pass along a cool Blog Award to me, and I wanted to share. Thanks Renee from ReneW Your Space!!

So to pay it forward, here are the rules....

1. Thank then link to the person that gave you the award

2. Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered & whom you think are fantastic

3. Contact said Blogs to let them know they've won

4. State 7 Things about yourself!

Without further ado…here are my 15 nominees…in no particular order.

1. Cheap Chic Home

2. The Craft Monkey

3. Creations by Kara

4.  Domestically Speaking

5. homemade by jill



8. Sweet Jeanette

Okay, I am so sorry that I don’t have 15 blogs to post…I read LOTS of awesome blogs on a regular basis, but my computer keeps freezing up on me…

Here are my 7 things (being typed in Word and the cut and pasted in, since Blogger hates me today!):

1. I knit blankets for a charity group called the Western Canadian Oddball Blanket Society (http:/wcobbs.blogspot.com), and I am also the Vice President of the group.

2. I used to work in Higher Ed Administration before becoming a SAHM…I was the Assistant Director of Admissions at a university back in Maine.

3. I have degrees in Technical News Production, PR, and Advertising…who would have thought that?!?

4. I have a crafty mind, but have a hard time making things a reality.

5. I am afraid of “nice” yarn, and get nervous going to LYS.

6. I truly miss home (Maine and NH), but secretly I really like Calgary.

7. I am going to be MIA in the near future, while my little Diva undergoes her 3rd open heart surgery in March.

There you have it…a bit about me, and some of the blogs that I haunt.




Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking said...

Thanks Sharon! I use to be an Assistant Dir. of Admission at a University here in So. Cal. BK (before kids).

Heidi said...

Thanks for thinking of me! I will be praying for your daughter, your family & her doctors.

Larissa Holland said...

Hey, there, and thanks very much for this award! How sweet. I noticed the note about your adorable little Diva. I pray God holds you all in His hands (but especially your Diva) for the surgery and recovery!

Unknown said...

What a fun craft group - I love the name! And prayers go out to your little one!! ~ Rene W.