
Meet Burke...the Bunny (and some other odds and ends)

Meet Burke the Bunny. I am so proud of this latest project!!! The pattern is Rabbit by Susan B. Anderson. I was a bit hesitant to try my hand at this little guy, since it involved so many increases and decreases, etc. I still consider myself to be a scarf/blanket aka square edges kind of girl. This also involved double pointed needles for the entire project, and if you know me, you know at I think that double pointed needles were invented by the devil!!! After Burke, I am starting to rethink this theory.
His body is knit up in one big piece...a round ball actually. Susan suggests stuffing the body with a tennis ball, though I decided to stick with good old Fiberfill. Then, the legs and arms are knit on their own and stitched on, and the head and ears are all one piece. I had a few "booboos" along the way, but thankfully I figured out my mistakes and was able to trudge on.
The entire project took me 2 days to do, so needless to say, there will be many more "Rabbits" in my future. I may even pick up some green yarn and take a stab a Rabbit's best friend, "Ribbit".
Along with Burke, I knit up some booties and mittens for a friend's baby that is due next month. These will be shipped off to VT along with my Willoughby blanket.

Well, I'm off to work on a baby bib that I started for one of Craig's co-workers. It will be gifted along with Burke. Then perhaps I'll start another bunny...we'll see.


1 comment:

Prairie Girl said...

Such cute knits! I'll be back more often to see what you're up to :)